
Saturday, March 16, 2019

How to Get High Quality Backlink From Youtube

How to Get High Quality Backlink From Youtube

The need to get high-quality backlinks has become an important requirement and it can even become an obligation for a blogger or website owner to win fierce competition that occurs to occupy the top position on search pages on major search engines. There are many ways to get high quality backlinks and one of them is high quality backlink from youtube. High-quality backlinks are more important, although they are few in number than low-quality but high-quality backlinks. High-quality backlinks that are obtained naturally and manually will be more valuable in the eyes of Google than obtained by using a robot and too massive in a short time.

Why do we need high quality backlinks from YouTube?

Because YouTube is estimated to have become the second largest search engine after the Google search engine in terms of the number of searches in certain types of keywords and has answers to every search in the video category, this is no less important than searching in the same keywords in words category or articles . The same thing applies in the category of images with google image. So the video and image will appear along with the article site (words) on Google in certain types of keyword searches. And also due to the status of youtube position in terms of high page rank, namely PR10 and the value of DA99, PA97 and TF98 is very interesting and has a big influence on the position of our site if it is embedded links from our site, both do follow and unfollow. And what is important to remember is that YouTube is owned by Google as well so that it is a site that is very trusted by Google.

another article for you: How to Make Your Youtube Channel Successful 2018

Getting a high quality backlink from youtube means that it will improve our site in terms of DA numbers and in terms of SERP from our blog article pages for certain keywords.

The benefits gained by getting high quality backling from youtube are:

1. Will increase DA numbers definitely but slowly, especially in the use of do follow backlink, the links that should be used are links to index page.

2. will also influence the increase in page rank in general from our site or blog, of course, together with the use of high-quality and trusted backlinks from large and other well-known sites that are slowly especially from the use of do follow backlinks.

3. Will increase the SERP position in Google slowly from our article page's of our blog or site, especially in the use of no follow backlinks type.

4. Will increase the number of visits to the selected pages of our site through the placement of those links in each description area of the videos that we uploaded on YouTube.

5. Will be able to increase the sales number of affiliate programs from a product that we choose that is on our blog or increase our income from the CPM program (cost per thousand impression) such as google adsense or propellerads or other similar site types.

6. Will increase the number of e-mails subscriber to become readers of each article we publish. Which means it will be a potential buyer of every product we offer through every email we send to them in the future.

another article for you: How to Make Money on Youtube Video of Yours, 8 Easy Steps

Well, briefly below, this will explain how to get high quality backlinks from YouTube for your site or blog:

1. Placement of a link to our site in the channel area of YouTube. Exactly in the box about in the channel space. The way is to get the channel button and then click on the customization of the channel and press the about button. After entering the about page, then click the url button to edit. There will be plenty of space for the placement of links that lead to the site of our choice. But only one high quality backlink that is the first. Because it is a DoFollow backlink, while the other backlinks are nofollow. So you should place your link of home page of your site.

2. Placement of the link to the description box of each video that we upload there. Link placement should be done in the first 100 words and located at the top of the description, and the best is in the second row of the description sentence that is there. The backlink that we get from there is no follow, which does not have any influence on SEO from the page links that we put there. But because the more links we put in each video we upload it will have a good effect on the SERP on Google slowly. So the more videos we upload on YouTube, the better the results for our site or blog, especially from increasing traffic numbers, both directly and organically. You should also pay attention to the relevance factor of the video with the existing link and the contents of the site or blog, you may also consider using a trusted url shiortener site, if the link or url feels too long.

3. Use of card facilities that exist on each video to make backlinks to our site or blog. This backlink is also nofollow, but it is very useful in increasing the number of visits to our site or blog. But there are requirements from YouTube before using this facility, ie you must have joined as a partner with YouTube in cashing your video there. Although this type is nofollow, but this backlink is very high quality in bringing visitors and sales figures of the products we offer through your site or blog.

another article for you: 4 Quick Steps To Download Video From Link Of Youtube, Less Than 5 Minutes

Sunday, March 3, 2019

6 Revenue Sharing Sites For Photography

There are so many ways to make money on the internet and everything is pretty good provided if we know how to use it.

There is one more way to earn money on the internet that is quite easy to do, namely by utilizing revenue sharing sites that have revenue sharing programs in it. There are various kinds of revenue sharing sites or programs, including those using Google Adsense or not.

The use of revenue sharing sites in searching for dollars in the field of photography is usually in the form of free image sharing sites or microstock sites.

Another article for you: How To Make Money On Dreamstime As A Photographer

And below, there are 6 revenue sharing sites for photography that can be used to earn money, namely:

1. Clickasnap, which is an image sharing site that runs paid per view programs of photos that you can upload on there. They will give you $0.14 cent per 5 second view. so the more photos we upload on there, the more income we will get. The minimum money that we can withdraw to paypal is $15. As a free member, the number of photos that can be uploaded in there are 7 photos per day. As for members who have upgraded, the number of photos that we can upload is unlimited and has the right to sell our photos there.

This revenue sharing site works with google adsense in providing revenue to the photographer who joining there.

2., a site that runs revenue sharing programs generated by google adsenses, where 100% of revenue clicks and impressions is yours entirely as a contributors or photo owners who are on there. The requirement is that you must have an ID code from Google AdSense and of course a lot of good quality photos that already to be uploaded on this stockvault site. This revenue sharing site has quite high PR6 and traffic numbers, namely: 387K permonth

Your income as a contributor on the Stockvault site is not only from Google Adsense, but also from donations of your photo users. This donation comes from the paypal donation button that installed on every page of your photo there. The amount of donation money that will be received depends entirely on the willingness of your photo users to be free but don't expect too much.

3. Freerangestock, is a revenue sharing site that shares about 80% of revenue from Google Adsense to us. To join on freerangestock site, the requirement is that you must have an ID code from Google Adsense and have a large number of photos that ready to upload there. So the system is that for every photo you upload you will have a special page or download page or link page where on that each page was installed ads from Google adsense. The income for contributors is come from paid per click and paid per thousand impressions (CPM). Freerangestock is a site that runs the longest revenue sharing program on photography field and still exists until today.

4.BestHDwallpaper, is a free image sharing site that is also a revenue sharing sites for photography that provides their income to contributors by using google adsense. This site will provide income of at least 60% of the advertising revenue on there, the percentage will increase with the level of membership you choose. On this site there are 4 levels of membership available, which level 1 is bronze where you will earn 60% of them but you are only allowed to upload 10 photos per month, while level 2 is silver where at this level you are allowed to upload photos unlimited, at this level is the actual income actually starts means that it will increase dramatically. Level 3 is gold, where at this level you earn money an increase of 5%. And finally the 4th level is platinum, where at this level your income will increase by 10%.

The minimum pay out is $20 and can be withdrawn by using paypal, you will get good money by uploading as many photos as you want. But the photos that you upload will be checked by the editors whether they are right there or not.

Another article for you: How to Make Money on Youtube Video of Yours, 8 Easy Steps

5. Redgage, is a site that will provide income to contributors based on pay per view. On this site you can share photos, videos, documents, blog articles and links where our income is based on every 1000 views to your photos, videos or articles. They pay you when you have $5 on your account using a redgage visa card. And another interesting thing is that we also get benefit from putting dofollow links on this high PR site, meaning we can get backlinks for our website for free on this site.

6. Dreamstime. The microstock site which is also a revenue sharing site but not using Google Adsense. But use the revenue sharing system to contributors from the sale of photos, videos and graphic designs with different systems. Dreamstime site is a site that is trusted enough to pay or share its income to contributors and is a well-known site with a large number of visits, which is almost 30 million visits per month.
The income of contributors from this site is based on different percentages for subcription sales that only range from $ 0.85, or based on sales with an extended license system, which amounts is about 50% of the price that you set by yourself (maximum is $ 5000 per download per photo and the minimum is $ 250 perdownload per photo) and can also be based royalty free

The six revenue sharing sites for photogrpahy mentioned above are sites that are still running and are still trusted today. Because many other revenue sharing sites for photography that have failed and closed are not operational anymore. such as FlixyA, picable, shareapic and Rotatrixdfriends. Especially for the ClickanSnap site another advantage that can be obtained is that we can get no follow backlink in the description of every photo that we upload on there. Although this site still has PR4 but the DA43 and PA33 are quite good, and there is a possibility that the PR level (page rank) will continue to rise in the future.

you can also read on : How To Get Paid to Write Articles on Revenue Sharing Sites

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